Shark Class Weekly Update

8 March 2024

This week in writing we’ve been exploring the art of public speaking by delivering speeches on topics close to our hearts. It’s been fascinating to hear about everything from the joys of baked bean consumption to the importance of orangutan protection. Each speech has brought a unique perspective to the table, showing just how diverse and passionate our class is. 

In maths, we’ve been tackling 2-digit long division. I’m pleased to say that most of us are feeling much more confident with this tricky concept now. It’s been great to see everyone working hard and supporting each other as we master new skills together.
On Tuesday, we took a break from the classroom to hit the slopes for some tubing fun. It was a fantastic day filled with laughter, excitement, and plenty of thrills as we conquered our fears and zoomed down the hill in style. It was a perfect opportunity for us to bond as a class and create lasting memories together.

Keep up the awesome work, Sharks!

Coastal Together

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