Shark Class Weekly Update

1 March 2024

We’re back again! Past the half-way point of the year and hurtling towards the summer term at full speed. It has been lovely getting back into the swing of things this week. 

In Maths, we’ve been securing the last little bits of multiplication and division knowledge needed to have a go at the long fabled 2-digit long division next week. We have looked at Factors (both common and otherwise), Multiples and how to easily solve squared number problems. The children have been very impressive in their ability to explain their thinking around these concepts. 

In English, we have been looking at poetry – attempting to write our own Raps based around The Lorax by Dr Seuss. We’ve also been exploring tongue-twisters and other wordplay to try and elevate our own writing and have a little fun whilst doing it. I am still waiting for someone to successfully complete Rhubarb Barbara faster than I can, they’re starting to get very close!

Finally, our topic work this week has been all around Money Sense and how to calculate interest. It has been very eye-opening for some of them to learn about the different ways we can pay for things, and how quickly some of them can escalate with how much you have to pay back! Hopefully this will encourage them to make smarter choices with their finances as they begin to move forward into adulthood. All in all, another busy week in Sharks!

Coastal Together

F e d e r a t i o n   o f  S c h o o l s

Instil   |   Understand   |   Learn   |   Become