Shark Class Weekly Update

16 February 2024

This week in Sharks, we have been extremely busy! Our Year 6s have undertaken their mock SATs this week and the results have been exceptional with lots of progress across as the board! Some children went as far as doubling their scores between November and now! 

In English, we have prepared and written some balanced arguments where we debated the question ‘Should children be allowed chocolate for breakfast?’ – Surprisingly, the consensus was that they would rather have it as a treat than for breakfast every day! They were far more concerned with the plight of the rainforest and the ‘bootiful’ orangutans than their ability to eat nutella on toast which was lovely to see.

In topic, we have been finishing off our Mod-roc biomes and I am incredibly impressed. The detail and painting have been excellent and it has been wonderful watching their created realms come to life, as I am sure you will agree from the photos.

I hope they all have a well-deserved rest over half-term and come back bright and ready to keep learning!

Coastal Together

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