Welcome to Shark Class


Welcome to Shark class! We are taught by Miss Kingston. We are a shiver of 20 children, made up of 7 Year 5s and 13 Year 6s . We are curious, creative and resilient with our learning and always aspire to be the best that we can be. We are trying our best to use our mistakes to fuel our learning and understand that just because we cannot do something right now, does not mean that we will not be able to do it very soon if we just try a different strategy!

This term our Topic is Victorian Visions. During this topic children will be able to apply each of their six JONK Characteristics in different ways across the term.



What Happened
This Week...

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Bacton Primary is great, especially being in Shark Class. Our school is small so you get to know each other really well and make friends. My favourite subjects are science because you learn about real life things like how your heart works and maths because I find it easy. Being a Shark is brilliant because you get to support younger children in school.

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Bacton Primary is 'Fintastic'. The teachers are kind and supportive and help you achieve your best. My favourite subjects are maths because I like solving problems and history because leaning about the past is interesting.

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I really love beingĀ  part of Bacton Primary because we often work as a team. The work and learning is always new which I really like. My favourite subjects are maths because I'm good at using written calculations and science because you learn amazing facts.

Coastal Together

F e d e r a t i o n   o f  S c h o o l s

Instil   |   Understand   |   Learn   |   Become