Seahorse Class Weekly Update

9 February 2024

This week in Seahorses we started off with lots of PE. On Monday with Miss Lucas we brought together the different balances and jumps we have been practising. Then on Tuesday Year 2 went to Cromer Academy to participate in Tri golf. It was great to see them being supportive of each other and showing other schools how well behaved they are.

Maths in Key Stage 1 has been focused on repeated addition and making links between that and multiplication  expressions such as 10 + 10 + 10 is the same as 3 x 10 because there are three lots of 10. Key Stage 1 have also started their new book ‘Diary of a Wombat’ and wrote a diary entry of Wombat’s day whilst Reception have been reading the book ‘The Enormous Turnip’ and having to work out ways to keep the turnip monster happy and think about what they can do with all the leftover turnip.

In our topic lessons this week we have had a week of art. Reception designed and then created their own animals and used some of the different ways they had learnt about to join the materials together. Meanwhile, year 1 and year 2 looked at Aboriginal art and the different meanings behind each picture. They created their own stories using the pictures and then picked a picture to paint onto a stone in the same way as aboriginals.

Coastal Together

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