Seahorse Class Weekly Update

8 March 2024

This week we started our new PE unit on ball skills. The children were able to show what they had previously learnt about throwing and apply this to a new game we learnt called ‘Superhero ball’. Year 2 were very good at supporting the other children in class with throwing, catching and teamwork skills.

Year 1 and 2 wrote their non-chronological reports on kangaroos this week after looking at non-chronological reports on wombats and then practising using the different features they found. Meanwhile, reception have been writing about Jack and the beanstalk. They thought about what other treasure the Giant may have and how the police could catch Jack after he stole the Giant’s belongings.

Topic has been science based for everyone this week. We have looked at the different classifications of animals and their diets. Year 2 were able to use some key vocabulary such as carnivore and herbivore that they had previously learnt and explain to other children what it meant.

Next week we are moving on to our art focus in topic. Please can we have any junk modelling resources you may have. No toilet rolls or egg boxes please.

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