Seahorse Class Weekly Update

1 March 2024

This week Reception have been very busy exploring capacity. This has involved a lot of water. They have been measuring, pouring and comparing the water. It has been great to hear the children copying and adapting the questions that the adults had asked them. Meanwhile year 1 and year 2 have been looking at the five and ten times tables. They have been looking at the similarities and differences between them.

In English, Reception have been looking at the book ‘Diary of a Wombat’ and thinking about who Wombat might meet and what else Wombat might like to eat.  In Key Stage 1 we have started looking at non-fiction texts so that we are ready to create our own non-chronological reports at the end of next week.

Our topic lessons in Key Stage 1 have been about money and how we can earn and save money. The children have shown a good knowledge of the different things they can do and choices that can be made about saving money. Reception’s topic lessons have been very science based looking at the seasons and the weather. They have thought about the different types of clothes we wear in the different seasons.

We have been very lucky to have Miss Neil start working with us from UEA as a part of her PGCE placement. She has settled in really well and has enjoyed getting to know the children this week.

Coastal Together

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