Seahorse Class Weekly Update

16 February 2024

This week in PE we have been using all the balancing, jumping and rolling skills we have learnt in PE this half term. We got the apparatus out and had fun balancing along the benches and jumping off of the PE tables. Next term, we will be moving on to ball skills and looking at netball. 

In English, year 1 and 2 we have finished ‘Diary of a Wombat’ by writing our own recounts of what we have done this week. We then realised how much we have all done this week, going out for food, having pancakes, playing games and after school clubs. In maths we have been busy using our two times tables and solving problems. We have also been seeing how multiplication is commutative which means we can write it as 2 x 3 or 3 x 2 but we still get the same answer. 

Meanwhile, in reception we have been watching the short video Spider! We have thought about how Spider can get out of the bath and any other animals he might meet whilst in the bath.

Coastal Together

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