Seahorse Class Weekly Update

26 January 2024

We have had another amazing week. We have started looking at postcards in year 1 and 2. This has been a part of our English work based on the book ‘At the Beach’ where a young boy called Henry sends postcards whilst on holiday at Crabby Spits. On Thursday we then wrote our own postcards telling other people about our holidays and trips we had been on. Meanwhile, Reception have been writing about a magical island and the different animals on it after watching a short clip from Noah’s Island.

In maths, Reception have been looking at the height of different objects and had a race to see who could build the tallest beanstalk. They then put them in order from shortest to tallest. Key Stage 1 have been looking at counting in twos, fives and tens. We are now beginning to look at coins and the different amounts they represent. Next week we will combine both  pieces of learning to count amounts of money.

In topic, Year 1 and 2 began learning about Aboriginals and how they are indigenous to Australia. We learnt that they move around, hunt for only what they need and do not waste things.

Please note Seahorses will have PE on Tuesday (30th) and not Monday (29th) next week. It is only changing  for that week.

Coastal Together

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