
Welcome to Stingray Class (previously Dolphins)


Welcome to Stingray class. We are a class of 18 children, made up of 8 year 11s and 7 year 4s. Mr Austin is our class teacher.  When learning we like to use our JONK Characteristics of being: Resilient, Collaborative, Resourceful, Creative, Reflective and Curious. Remembering these six characteristics helps us as a class and individual to be the most successful learners we can be.

This term our Topic is Victorian Visions. During this topic children will be able to apply each of their six JONK Characteristics in different ways across the term.


What Happened
This Week...

Dolphin Class Weekly Update

1 December 2023

Dolphin Class Weekly Update

24 November 2023

Children in Need

22 November 2023

Dolphin Class Weekly Update

17 November 2023

Dolphin Class Weekly Update

10 November 2023
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I like Dolphin Class because all my friends are here and we have lots of fun learning new things. My favourite subject is maths because you can work collaboratively with a partner. We have lots of clubs after school and I especially like sports club.

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I like Bacton Primary because everyone is kind and I have made lots of friends. My favourite subject is Art because I am good at painting and can be really creative.

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Dolphin Class is a really nice place to learn. The children, teachers and teaching assistants are friendly and help you when you're stuck. My favourite subject is maths because I like solving problems and working with my maths partner.

Coastal Together

F e d e r a t i o n   o f  S c h o o l s

Instil   |   Understand   |   Learn   |   Become