Dolphin Class Weekly Update

1 March 2024

After a week off, Dolphins hit the road running coming straight back into our learning with a week full of learning. 

We have covered a great deal in maths this week, from multiplying odd and even numbers and their rules, to learning the 7 times table and then building an understanding of square numbers. We were curious why the result of numbers times by themselves were called square numbers. When investigating with the multilink cubes we found out that they are called square numbers because when put into an array, they can make a perfect square. 

Over in English, we have started a new unit on the narrative The Tale of the Whale. We started the week looking at what alliteration is and we got to grips with writing our own alliterative sentences. Some of the sentences the class created were, Groaning Gertude gave the man a golden gate and The pupil painted peacefully with paint. Later in the week we created the next part of the story, diving under the sea and finding a sunken ship with the whale.  

This week we have also completed an RE unit on Buddhism. The class were very interested and curious about this religion and their ideas around life and death. Most liked the idea of being reborn as an animal, although there was some discussion on which animal is best to be reborn as. 

Coastal Together

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