Dolphin Class Weekly Update

16 February 2024

This week in Dolphins, we have been learning all about plants! At the start of the week  we learnt what requirements plants need to grow.Then we learned of the different features of plants and we were curious about what each feature’s job role was in the life of a plant. Finally we investigated water transportation within plants, and hypothesised what would happen to a plant if we added coloured dye to its water. We had a range of ideas, such as the plant turning black and dying, the plant turning the colour of the dye and some thought nothing different would happen. We are going to conduct the experiment once we are back from half term. 

In English, we have finished our unit on persuasive writing by writing an argument about pollution and the harm it is doing to the sea life in our oceans. The children have enjoyed this unit and they have all argued that the polluting of water needs to stop as the negatives far outweigh the positives. 

Over in Maths, we have had a great week learning about the 3, 6 and 9 times tables. The class have been very impressive showing their knowledge on these times tables and in particular, the children impressed me with their knowledge on the 9 times table, being able to use their known multiplication facts to support their division workings. 

The class have had a great half term with lots of effort and resilience put into our learning and have earned their week of rest. 

Coastal Together

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