Dolphin Class Weekly Update

9 February 2024

This week in Dolphins has been a very different week with most of the Year 4s away at Hilltop Wednesday through to Friday. 

Monday and Tuesday were normal days with the mornings being filled with Maths, English, Spelling and Arithmetic, with afternoons consisting of Topic. In Maths we got hands on with division, moving all tables, sitting on the floor and physically building the representation with counters. 

Over in English, we started our new unit on persuasive writing, where we are creating an argument based around the ocean and the effects pollution is having on it and the animals living in it. 

The Second half of the week was where it all changed. An excited bunch of Year 4s and Mr Austin headed to Hilltop for our residential stay. On the first day we completed team tasks and were then very brave going down the Big Zipper at high speeds. Thursday in the cold we practised our archery skills in the morning, then tested our agility on mountain bikes in the afternoon. On Friday, we got to grips with the high ropes, making our way through the course successfully. Check this link for photo updates of our activities. The rest of the class have stayed at school, but I have heard they have had lots of fun with Miss Lucas designing their own zoo and I know lots of the children were very excited to go back to their old classroom. 

Coastal Together

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