Dolphin Class Weekly Update

2 February 2024

This week in Dolphins we have been finalising our letters to send to Greta Thunberg. The children have been very excited about writing their letters and have been asking everyday when they are going to be able to write them. Throughout the week as a class we have written each stage of the letter, then on Friday we wrote up our first draft. The letter will be written up on Monday and sent over to Greta in Sweden. 

In Topic we have moved on to a mini music unit. In this unit we are going to practise and perform the song ‘Big Yellow Taxi’ by Joni Mitchell. On Wednesday, we listened to the song and wrote a review about what we liked and didn’t like. The majority of the class enjoyed the song, with each enjoying a different part of it. 

In maths, we have been working hard noticing links between the 2, 5 and 10 times tables and how to group for division. The times table the children were very confident with, whereas for division we were resilient breaking the learning down with manipulatives to make sure we all understood how we can divide in groups.  

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