Welcome to Seahorse Class


Welcome to Seahorse Class! We are a mix of Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children who work collaboratively with each other. We have six Year 2 children, five Year 1 children and nine reception children. Our Teacher is Miss Lucas and we also have Mrs Smith (Monday-Wednesday) and Mrs Underwood (Wednesday-Friday) to support us with our learning and time in school. They help us learn it is alright to make mistakes and just because we can’t do something yet it doesn’t mean we can’t do it at all.

Having a mix of year groups means we can support each other in different ways and model expected behaviours as well as showing the progression in work as we go through each year. We really enjoy the range of topics we do throughout our time in Seahorses and are able to make links between previous learning and new topics. Our curiosity is evident when we start a new topic as we have so many questions and can’t wait to be resourceful and find out the answers. Our current topic is ‘From Past to Pixels’

What Happened
This Week...

IMG 4162

I like Bacton Primary because it is all amazing. Seahorse class is good because you learn lots of new things. I especially like maths.

IMG 4161

I really like the children and teachers at Bacton Primary because they are all friendly and nice. I like to do handwriting because I am really good at it. I'm starting to earn how to join my letters.

Coastal Together

F e d e r a t i o n   o f  S c h o o l s

Instil   |   Understand   |   Learn   |   Become